Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving day will soon be upon us, and while we are busy preparing food and waiting for family and friends to arrive stop and think what is important to you, what are you thankful for? What matters most in your life? For me, I am thankful for my Fiancee, and for my wonderful bestest friends, you all know who you are, You have helped me through so much in my life, thank you for being there. Sometimes in this life things dont always go as we want them to but we can always be thankful for what matters most. So as the holiday comes closer and your house fills with family , friends and loved ones remember what truly makes you happy. Be thankful that you can get up each day and breath. Be thankful that you can do the things you enjoy, like knitting, crocheting and reading, well for me that is what I enjoy. Be thankful that you have someone who loves you more than you will ever know. Have a wonderful thanksgiving holiday!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Revivng my blog

It surely has been awhile and I do apologize, things have been up and down here and needed to take some time away. But I hope you all are doing fine and will be posting here as often as I can...

Here are a couple of things I am working on now for the Holidays.